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To hell with revisionist history!

SBONYC email exchange september 2005

You know, my mother once told me if you don't have anythiing nice to
say, don't say it at all...apparently you're a bastard as you never
had a mother who taught you these life lessons...

i've been more than diplomatic with you several times and to think I
actually convinced felix to let you back in the group after being
kicked out once before and this is the bullshit i see come across the

you think your hot shit, but your just an immature, egotistical squid
that has no life but sitting in a lan room fixing sh*t and surfing the
web all day and spending 50% of your time posting your opinions...

if you want to have a pissing contest, measuring dick size where
should we start?
I'm 28, a director of technology for a major network overseeing a
staff of 46, I make well into 6 figures and used to do your job 10
years ago in my career.
yea u may be faster than me now, but a few more track days and track
school days and i'm sure i'll hand your head to you on the track...

and speaking of riding, i've been down once due to an incident where i
was rear ended, whereas, you wrecked so many times you've prolly lost
count...i'm certain you've totalled at least 2 bikes (zx11, sprint rs)
within your first two years of riding...not to mention the few times
you've been down on the track as well as rear ending a car during one
of your rides which was CLEARLY RIDER ERROR...
i'm going on 30K miles w/ only one incident *knock on wood* that was
not my error....whereas your squidliness has resulted in 5+

so kiss my yellow ass as your membership has now been revoked.  thank
you for playing, we have some lovely parting gifts for you...

'01 R6

On 9/26/05, Bryce <bster13@yahoo.com> wrote:
> We only take names of smucks doing inside passes when
> they shouldn't be haha.
> Thanks,
> Bryce
> > btw, great track report bryce...sounds like all of u
> > r kicking ass and
> > takin names...



I'm confused, what brought this on? I am familiar with
the tension but I think Bryce was only refering to the
guy on the track that stuffed him twice in a matter if
minutes. I honestly don't think the reply was directed
at you in an ill maner.

Just my take on it.



I was just gonna say "Uh, ...  WOW" and leave it at that but I gotta admit I'm totally cornfused too.

Unless the big silver "S" on the jacket was for Stephen???  I don't think so?  I suspect Stephen may have read something in to the whole exhange that totally wasn't there.  Maybe the Blackberry mangled the intentions.  Or it was just too "inside" for me to detect.

Nice to get these feelings out though, isn't it?  :)  I've found through experience {for me anyways} that it's better to do away from a public forum, but that's just me and everyone has to walk their own path.

"C'mon guys, let's be friends!"  Tony Amendola, c. 2001

Rick S.
ps. I only make "approaching" six figures but I still got a giant ....  Oh yeah, and I've totalled more bikes than B {who has only taken one bike out of the game himself that I know of, and it wasn't any of those listed, but who's counting?}.  Hope that doesn't make me a bad person :(


Stephen, WTF????  Do you have any clue what Bryce was referring to? 
Have you even been reading the list lately?  This is a totally
inappropriate reaction to a harmless statement...unrelated to anyone
on this list...unless you were the guy at Pocono riding like a
jackass.  Where the hell did this come from?


Wow, as the new guy here perhaps it is not my place to speak up, but as a friend of Bryce, a person who was at the track Friday to witness what Bryce was talking about and  36 year old rider with 20 years riding under my belt, no crashes save for one on track, rider error low side as well as an earner of well over 100k a year I feel I have nothing to lose....where is this coming from?

Bryce was talking about some jerk off squid at the track who kept stuffing him up on the inside, Bryce kept his cool and went to pit in to report the guy before he crashed or worse yet cause someone else to crash...thus Bryce was venting his frustrations here.  I cannot see harm in that at all. 

I was hoping this place would be different, maybe even adult, perhaps I am wrong, but I feel, just as a new guy looking in and not knowing any history, something is being mistook...Bryce is a great guy, and a good rider...btw ALL riders crash...in fact watching motogp I just watched two crash out, doesn't make them ba people.

Hope I do not get kicked out for speaking my mind a bit, however if Bryce is out of this, then please throw me out the door on my ass with him.

Off-list message

You are correct.  Dan B is a mod too and he is working
on figuring out where this all came from. Bryce will
be back i am sure.  He is probably the biggest poster
on the list. Poster not poser : )


--- Rick Schott <ricksvx@optonline.net> wrote:

> Dude, is Stephen a moderator?
> I'm not sure, but I think he actually banned bryce!
> Rick


Stephen et al
I will make no bones about it, Bryce is a friend, not just a guy on a list
I post to, so take this with that in mind.
That response by Stephen was the most immature act I have ever witnessed on
a message board that I am part of. You Stephen have just taken, what I have
believed to be the best message board on the net and brought it to the level
of some high school chat room with your immature insecurity. Who cares how
much money you make. If we are going to measure savings accounts as if that
matters here at all, get way to the back of the line, because you don't
measure up with your "well into 6 figure salary".
I have kept my mouth shut but I will not anymore. Stephen you have no
business whatsoever as a moderator of this board, you are completely out of
touch with what SBONYC has become, and Bryce is a big part of what it has
become because he brings alot to the table. I will be the first to say you
have shown your true colors, I will not name other people, they can stand up
or remain silent, but you Stephen are not liked, respected, or appreciated
around SBONYC, go away already.
Where in the heck do you get off with a response like that you insulent,
child. You took a post that had nothing to do with anyone here or in fact
anything that you know about and went way off the deep end. You have in 1
post, ruined what SBONYC was with your immature ramblings.
no one owns SBONYC, not even Felix. I will be deep fried in SH*&T if I will
stand by and let this happen. I will have a new SBONYC up and running in
hours, yahoo isn't the only game in town. I can't even describe how pissed I
am right now, not because he is a friend, I will always stand up for my
friends, but because you had no business doing that, who in the HE^&LL do
you think you are?
Dan B first and foremost is the moderator I respect and listen to here. No
disrespect to Felix at all, I have nothing against him, but he is not in
touch with the group as much for personal reasons.
I am so mad, but more so, I am so sad for what you have done here tonight,
I pitty you, your obviously a sad insecure little man.
  Jimmy D.


Rest Easy Marc.

I think a lot of people are confused about this reaction and action.  Bear in mind that there is much history behind all this.  I truly believe it's a simple miscommunication and expect it will all be sorted out shortly.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.   Like any list you're going to find occasional misunderstandings and personality conflicts, but I think this is a great group on the whole.

Then again, if Bryce weren't reinstated "but quick", I'd be following through the same door right behind ya.  And I see now that I'm not alone {Hi Jimmy!}.


my apologies to bryce, as I misunderstood the post to be directed at me..

please do accept my deepsest apology as i thought your post was
directed toward me making an inside pass during my previous track day
at vir (fyi, mine was a clean pass and i was more than a bike lengths
ahead of the guy...) didn't know you were referring to some other guy.

please feel free to resubscribe.

sorry bro, yea it was out of line, and it's been a hellish day and of
all ppl i should know better than to send a heated email and i ended
up sticking my foot in my mouth big time.
i should know better and should have checked w/ u and felixmy
apologies to both the mods and the group.  ...thanks for keeping me in

yes, this is a mature group w/ the exception of my rash comment.
bryce and i have had our differences....and this was misinterpretation
on my part ...
and i used the wrong outlet to vent my frustration.  please disregard
the post as it is a poor representation of one cranky person's rash
comment and not representative of the group.

my apologies to bryce and the group...maybe i'm just going crazy from
working too much and not having enough saddle time.  i'll go take my
valium and stfu now...


On 9/26/05, Dan Barufaldi <dbarufaldi@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Uhhhhhh.....dude...having a bad day?
> That comment (Bryce's) was directed at a guy on the track who was stuffing
> people all day - he even said so in one of his posts...
> I know you and Bryce don't get along, but your post was completely over the
> top...especially for a moderator.
> If you haven't already decided to reinstate Bryce based on the
> misunderstanding of where the comment was directed, I suggest the three of
> us chat about it. You and I are buds, and you know I try to look at all
> angles.  On this one, I think you were out of line, and owe Bryce an
> apology.
> Dan B



I know you know how I feel but even I have to say that it was
definitely a misunderstanding on your part.  I guess sometimes the
shoe can be on the other foot and it is ugly no matter which side it
is coming from.  With that said, you did the right thing and issued
an apology for the misunderstanding.  As far as I am concerned, you
did what you had to do and it is over.  I suspect Bryce should be
able to take it as much as he dishes it out and will rejoin shortly
without bringing it up when he does.


People have bickered and insulted each other publicly at SBONYC
though rarely compared to other groups or forums.  Some people think
this place is too restrictive in it's intolerance to flaming but it
is also why people have liked it here.  I don't see this as such a
big deal and something that can be handled off-list.  That means, no
more posts on the subject or in reference to it.  I have already
deleted a number of posts on this subject.  Any future post of that
nature will be deleted.  Despite my lack of interest in public
postings or actively being a leader/organizer of rides, I am actively
moderating the group (memberships, new member posts, etc.). 

This group has become many things over it's lifetime and there have
been good times and bad.  Publicly posted rides are a thing of the
past (almost) but it has become a great resource for everything moto
related.  I'd like to keep it that way.

I think everyone knows, unless you post an advertisement without
being an active participant, I don't normally kick anyone out of the
group.  Nothing against the current (and now former moderators) but I
am "taking back the reigns" of the group a little and will be the
only Moderator of this group now and going forward.

No one member is more important than the group so anyone thinking
that they can't co-exist with another member, ignore them or leave
the group.  There is always a choice.

If anyone is going to get kicked out, it will have to go through me. 
If someone gets out of hand, hit me up off-list and I will be the one
to deal with it.

In any case, there are some track days coming up the weekend of 10/7 -
10/9 that some members will be attending and a weekend ahead for
riding on the streets.  How about we concentrate on those subjects

I will now re-enable group postings.  Thanks.



Hey, I guess I missed it all by not reading the list every day.
Despite knowing nothing of any disputes, I have to complement Felix
on his approach to the situation. The nature of this mode of
communication is such that it emboldens people to write things that
they may not say in a person's presence. A concerned and skilled
moderator is crucial when the eventual flareups occur. You go Feliz.


Well, I don't want to beat a dead horse...I think we all have similar feelings about SBONYC.  I have had a great time as a member of that group.  The people I have met, friendships I have formed are very special, and some of the best fun I've had recently were with people I met there.  If it continues to fill that need, I'll remain a member.  If it stops, or becomes too unpleasant, I'll check out.

I agree about Felix giving up command - it's clear he dislikes what it has become - he has said so himself.  He doesn't participate, doesn't like a bunch of the people who DO participate.  If he wasn't the owner, he'd have left a long time ago, IMO.  Frankly, I think that being the person to create the group doesn't entitle you to run it forever.  The participants engaged in the lively discourse, the organization of events, and many other things - all with the understanding that they were contributing to a community.  Just because Felix was the first to move into the community doesn't mean he has the right to dictate the terms.  It's really just the logistics of YahooGroups that guarantees him that authority.  The contributions of others carries far more weight in my book than being first.  I told him in my last note to him that if this were a different type of structure, I would call for his resignation and transfer ownership to someone else.
I know that wounds are fresh, and feelings are near the surface.  This will pass, and some kind of normalcy will return, regardless of what normal will look like.  It would be nice if that could be SBONYC because of the inertia and nostalgia.  But it isn't the only game in town, and the friendships and organization we have created will endure, regardless of where the electrons are stored.

Dan B
P.S.  I try to always be proud and forthright about what I write, especially when it's about another person.  For that reason, I am copying Felix on this note.  If he responds to me, I will post his response to this distribution list.



> I have to say, and the core of
> this group feels the
> same, that what you did by revoking Dan B's
> moderator status and shutting
> down the group last night and pulling posts, was
> wrong in all counts.

Apparently not everyone feels the way you do and I
think it would be better if you didn't speak for
anyone other than yourself.  Everyone knows my email
address and can speak for themselves.  Besides, at
least one person feels differently:

Felix, as I said before, I really have no personal beef with you, but Steve Rosenblatt, not really the best card you could have played. he in fact mentioned that he really didn't know what was going on, so he spoke a bit out of school.



> but revoking the moderator status of the one mod
> who is respected and involved, is wrong.

You know, that statement spoke volumes but what is
funny to me is that this little pastime started for
fun has become more political than any job I have ever
had.  It's pathetic.
Yes it does speak volumes and what is pathetic is that you continue to hold on to this little pastime thing, it has grown well beyond that, but you refuse to accept that and move on.


>  Felix, I am sure it is tough, you started this
> thing, but, although I am
> speaking for myself right now, I know many others
> feel this way, your time
> has passed. You are not as involved anymore, and
> quite frankly I think you
> are out of touch with what this group has become.

My time has passed?  *hahaha*  If that is the way you
and "many others" feel, why don't you guys form your
own group or join another one and make it your own?  I
mean, you had your own group before (SBOLI) so why not
start it (or a different one) again?\


> SBONYC is crumbling and I think it is in it's last
> days ...  I think it will
> cease to exist in this
> form.

Maybe that isn't such a bad thing.  After all, the
original intent was to have a place people could meet
riders local to them and do some group riding
together, not form exclusionary cliques and gang up on
people that don't agree with the clique.
Again, it has become something different than what you envisioned, but why do still refuse to turn the group over to the real active members? And the cliqueiness came here late last summer. There is no ganging up though. What is so wrong with smaller groups forming friendships? Again, only a dictator in a political arena would try to limit who forms bonds with whom.


> I think you should consider this and consider
> appologizing to Dan, who
> did nothing wrong. You pulled his mod status B/C you
> didn't have the guts to
> stand up to Stephen, and that is wrong.

You have no idea what my motivations for doing
anything are and making suggestions based on that lack
of information is not appropriate.
I have all the info needed and my response as a member is appropriate. Again, felix, you own nothing.


>  I have said my peace, do as you will.

You are entitled to your opinions and as always, you
voice them.  I appreciate you doing that in a
civilized manner.  I will do as I always do; leave the
ultimate decision up to the person with the opinion.
Who is that person? You? All you are showing me is that if the game can't be played your way, you will take your ball and go home, I just think it's sad. Realize, if I didn't care, I wouldn't say anything.


I don't boot people for their opinions, I mostly just
ignore the ones who can't have a civil, intelligent
conversation, speak my peace with those that can and
agree to disagree if we can't come to a consensus.
Generally a great outlook!


As you have said many times, these things have a way
of working themselves out as I am sure this will in
the end.
You can be sure about that!





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